Jive software is one of the best things to happen to Instant Messaging. How can I contribute!!
Hi Slylos,
Glad to hear you like it so much. Take a look at Matt’'s url=http://www.jivesoftware.org/forums/ann.jspa?annID=2How to Contribute to Jive Messenger[/url] to find out how you can get involved.
Hope that helps,
To add to Ryan’'s suggestion, there are also some other options for contributing than coding new features. Those include:
Answering other people’'s questions in the forums.
Submitting bug reports and feature requests.
Creating documentation or translations.
Helping to spread the word about Jive Messenger to others.
I also just updated the the announcement that Ryan linked to with some of this info.
I also just updated the the announcement that Ryan
linked to with some of this info.
Thanks Matt.
Is there a way to track what’‘s being done, so that I’'m not working on the same thing someone else is working on? I am building my own custom client that I plan on releasing as open source, would it help if I mentioned that it was extensively tested with Jive (which is actually happening right now)?
To add to Ryan’'s suggestion, there are also some
other options for contributing than coding new
features. Those include:
- Answering other people’'s questions in the forums.
- Submitting bug reports and feature requests.
- Creating documentation or translations.
- Helping to spread the word about Jive Messenger to
I also just updated the the announcement that Ryan
linked to with some of this info.
Is there a way to track what’'s being done, so that
I’'m not working on the same thing someone else is
working on?
All work is tracked in the issue tracker at http://www.jivesoftware.org/issues. It’'s also possible for us to create issues and assign them to you if you want to take on specific tasks.
I am building my own custom client that
I plan on releasing as open source, would it help if
I mentioned that it was extensively tested with Jive
(which is actually happening right now)?
It’'s also
possible for us to create issues and assign them to
you if you want to take on specific tasks.
How would I sign up? First browse through outstanding issues I’'m sure, then what?
How would I sign up? First browse through outstanding issues I’'m sure, then what?
If you follow the link that Matt provided in his last post there is a signup link on the right-hand side in the login section. Once you’‘ve signed up you can then send an email or private message to one of the developers letting them know which issue you’'re interested in working on and they can then assign the issue to you.
Hope that helps,
- Helping to spread the word about Jive Messenger to
i’'m wearing JiveSoftware T-shirt a whole week now Hm, would it be better to wear Jive Messenger t-shirt?
heh, i’‘m planning to get to JM translation, but it’'s just plans, cant find time for all the stuff.
Holy monkey how do I get one!! Lets start a new site deriving from another recent popular explosion: www.SpreadJiveIM.com!!
- Helping to spread the word about Jive Messenger
i’'m wearing JiveSoftware T-shirt a whole week now
Hm, would it be better to wear Jive Messenger
heh, i’‘m planning to get to JM translation, but it’'s
just plans, cant find time for all the stuff.
well, maybe i should stop teasing everyone This t-shirt was offered in one Group Chat session to all chat visitors that day. Dont know if Matt can send a t-shirt to everyone. But if someone wish to contribute by buying it? Dont know, just thinking aloud
Yeah, unfortunately I can’‘t offer free tshirts to everyone all the time. However, I’‘m sure I’'ll come up with more good excuses to send some more in the not too distant future.