Correct syntax to increase cache

I’‘m having trouble finding anything that draws a clear picture on this issue. I want to increase the size of my roster cache. I’'ve look at to determine the cache settings, but am still a bit confused.

Let’'s say I wanted to increase the roster cache, what would i fill in the following fields?



The way I did it was

Name: cache.username2roster.size

Value: 2MB

After restarting it did not take. (1200 Bytes)


did you define a system property on http://server:9091/server-properties.jsp ?

For me it looks like: cache.username2roster.size 5242880 and works fine for 5 MB

It may be a problem if you did write “2MB”, “2097152” should be fine.


I will try that tonight. Thanks for the info.

This worked great. Thanks.