Cursor fools me every single time!

My company uses Spark as the only allowed IM service and it is intended for intra-company communications. One thing that really bugs me is when a Spark chat window is visible on my screen, there is ALWAYS a blinking cursor in the text box even though Spark may not (and usually doesn’t) have the focus. I have never seen windows software that reveals it’s cursor when it’s not in focus. That’s how you tell if you can type there. Seventy five percent of the time I see the window with the blinking cursor and start typing. I look at the keyboard to type so I don’t immediately realize that I’m typing into an alternate universe. I was tricked into thinking Spark had the focus by the blinking cursor. In my opinion, this behavior is so non-standard it officially qualifies it as a bug. A bug that really needs to be fixed.

Kind regards,


What operating system and which Spark version? Can’t reproduce this with Spark 2.6.3 on Win7 x64.

Hi, and thanks for responding. I’m running Win X64 SP1 and Sparl 2.6.3

Well, i have no option to test on such Windows version. And probably it is not very popular. I can’t file it as a bug until at least someone else reports this. Btw, do you use full installer of Spark with java included? Should be a jre folder inside the Spark installation folder. If by any chance not, then you can try try this version of installer.