Custom Database(db2) Integration Error

hi all,

when I use wildfire to integrate with my user table,which is use db2 database, and use its user which is in the db2 database to login in wildfire system,it will throw exceptions as follows: [JDBC Driver] CLI0618E User ID and/or Password is incorrect. SQLSTATE=28000

but when i use mysql database, it can run normally,why? could someone help me? thank you very much!

my part config is as follows, other is the same:

<!mysql,run normally>

no one can help me???

Hi hdhmail2000,

After doing a quick Google and finding this link it looks like your connectionString is not quite formatted correctly, try the following:


Hope that helps,


it also throws exceptions

Try chaning your driver settings to the following:




Message was edited by: ryang - changed “net” to “app”

I haven’'t resolved it yet . I have updated it follow your advice

it seem that such format data string is only suited for mysql database, other database may be need to separate the url , user name and password. If that is true, what should i do?

did some one use other database except mysql? if you do ,could you share your experience with me?

Hi hdhmail2000,

The connection url is going to vary greatly depending on the database. For instance, the Oracle url looks like:


so I don’‘t that’'s going to help you much.

Since everything else looks right, something you might want to try is to go through the Wildfire setup process and see if you can connect to DB2 as if you weren’‘t using the custom database integration. That will at least eliminate the possibility that it’'s a permissions issue.




thank you for your care about it all the time. mybe db2 haven’'t such connection string.

so i read the Wildfire source code, and update the connection method.well,i can connect db2 now .

i suggest that it’’’'d better use url, username and password in database connection config separately, not use it together. only my suggestion:)

Hi hdhmail2000,

Good to hear you got it working.

I agree that the username and password fields should be split into their own elements, I’'ll create a JIRA issue for that.



My wildfire.xml is follow:

<!Add by me>

<!Add by me>

<!Add by me>

<!Add by me>

<!Add by me>

<!Add by me>