Custom Database for not to duplicate a user external database


Using the doc i could find on ration-guide.html

and trying to use a base name “utilisateurs” and a table containing named “util_psersonnes”

on an mysql server (which contains also the openfire base and whichs run jabber)

i wrote following openfire.xml file

9090 9091 fr org.jivesoftware.database.DefaultConnectionProvider com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openfire root select 1 true true 5 25 1.0 plain
<!-- DOC -->
    <connectionString>jdbc:mysql://localhost/utilisateurs?user=root&amp;password=se cret</connectionString>
  <!-- DOC --> 
<!-- DOC -->
  <passwordSQL>SELECT util_passwd FROM util_personnes WHERE username=?</passwordSQL>
<!-- DOC -->
    <loadUserSQL>SELECT util_nom FROM util_personnes WHERE util_login=?</loadUserSQL>
    <userCountSQL>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM util_personnes</userCountSQL>
    <allUsersSQL>SELECT util_login FROM util_personnes</allUsersSQL>
    <searchSQL>SELECT util_login FROM util_personnes</searchSQL>

but it does’nt work

I am not able to connect to this foreign base

Have you some advice or better a working exemple ?

Thanks for help
