Custom database integration guide


I’‘ve tried to follow the Custom database integration guide but I’‘ve some questions. First for which version of wildfire is the guide? I’‘ve tried it with 3.1.0.beta but after I start the server and login to the localhost server the setup procedure starts but I don’‘t see any point in the database setup anymore? Second, is the /lib folder where I’'m supposed to put the driver? Thanks

I’‘m posting here my test configuration, I’'m using a postgresql 8 database.

Also I’'d like to alert you guys that there are some issues with the guide, like the & entity in the connection string and tags not closed.

Also another problem, in my database the user has separate fields for the name and the surname, is there something I can do or will there be an alternative configuration for us people that have a schema like that?

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>



<!-- Disable either port by setting the value to -1 -->





<!-- Use this section to define users that will have admin privileges. Below,

you will find two ways to specify which users are admins. Admins will

have access to the admin console (only local users) and may have also access

to other functionalities like ad-hoc commands. -->

<!-- By default, only the user with the username “admin” can login

to the admin console. Alternatively, you can specify a comma-delimitted

list usernames that should be authorized to login to the admin console

by setting the <authorizedUsernames> field below. -->

<!-- <authorizedUsernames></authorizedUsernames> -->

<!-- Comma-delimitted list of bare JIDs. The JIDs may belong to local

or remote users. -->

<!-- <authorizedJIDs></authorizedJIDs> -->





<connectionString>jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/csai?user=secret&passwo rd=secret</connectionString>




<className>org.jivesoftware.wildfire.auth.JDBCAuthProvider</className&g t;




<passwordSQL>SELECT password FROM users WHERE username=?</passwordSQL>





<className>org.jivesoftware.wildfire.user.JDBCUserProvider</className&g t;




<loadUserSQL>SELECT name,email FROM users WHERE username=?</loadUserSQL>

<userCountSQL>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users</userCountSQL>

<allUsersSQL>SELECT username FROM users</allUsersSQL>

<searchSQL>SELECT username FROM users WHERE</searchSQL>






Is this feature stable? Thanks.