Custom search fields


I’m using Opefire 3.6.2 with AD, and what I’m trying to do is to add custom(telephone) search field, by doing the following:

ldap.searchFields: Username/sAMAccountName,Name/cn,Email/mail,Phone/telephoneNumber

and adding “” to plugins/search/

Once openfire is restarted I can actually search by the phone number, the problem is that phone field just shows up empty in the results, in both Spark and Pidgin. Is there anyway to display it? Even chaning that to Phone/cn doesn’t work.

I have searched around and found this: which mentions the same problem.

Anyone got any ideas?

Happy new year!



This is a known issue with openfire. I would make sure your vcard info is mapped correctly though so that the data is present.

Hi Todd,

The vCard mapping is just the default from the install.If I’m using Spark and view the persons profile the data is present.

I can’t find the bug report for this, would you be able to point me to the right direction?

