Disable file transport

Hi All!

There are 2 networks: Internal & External.

Internal has 2 subnetworks (ex. 192.168.0.x & 192.168.1.x).

External is internet connection. And server with openfire see all networks & has external real ip address.

How can I allow filetransfer only internal users with internal users? And disalow internal with external & external with external? May be firewall polices or chat server settings?

Thx for the best server&chat =) I like it!!!

Hi alpha-net, welcome to IgniteRealtime community B-).

Controlling access rights for file transfer isn’t so straight forward. However, there are quite a bunch of discussions on disabling file transfer that you might want search this forum, one of them How to disable all file transfers in openfire?.


I search first & install plugin FileTransferDisabler but it disable all transfers =( And i asked your advice…