Disable "Save Password" Feature

I am looking to deploy Spark to 100+ corporate users. Due to security policy restrictions, we do not allow our users to save passwords, and for most programs, have the ability to lock it down. Is there a way within Spark to disable the “Save Password” feature? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

We will be running Openfire on a Windows 2003 SP1 machine.


Have you had any luck with this? I am looking to do the exact same thing.

No luck at all.

There is currently no way to do this config-wise. You could remove it pretty easily by editing LoginDialog.java and removing the savePassword field and rebuilding Spark for yourself, but that may be easier said than done if you don’t have install4j handy. I created SPARK-920 to track the request though.

If your users fail to comply with that policy, just use the GPO logon script and overwrite their properties file at logon.

I do this after the msi is first installed (using machine startup script) by running the script at user logon.

Thanks Jadestorm. I don’t have install4j, so it would be non-trivial to make that fix. Hopefully this will get resolved in an upcoming release.