Discovering initial presence information

This sort of goes along with my earlier post regarding being able to tell if a room was just created or not but I’'ve hit another snag because of the same bug.

here is the code from MultiUserChat#create:

MUCUser mucUser = getMUCUserExtension(presence);
        if (mucUser != null && mucUser.getStatus() != null) {
            if ("201".equals(mucUser.getStatus().getCode())) {
                // Room was created and the user has joined the room

I am not recieving this packet in the PacketListener or PresenceUpdate so i have no way of knowing my initial presence information, IE role and affiliation. When I join a room I am fine because this initial packet is not being “eaten” by the packetcollector. But this is a problem because my presence in the presence map isn’'t then being properly updated.


Alexander Wenckus

Hey Alexander,

I’‘m not sure I’'m understanding the problem here. Once you sent MultiUserChat#create or MultiUserChat#join, you can use MultiUserChat#getOccupantPresence(String) to get your own presence. Notice that the parameter should be the occupant JID (eg. The returned presence will contain everything the server sent to the client.

Let me know if something is not working fine.


– Gato