Does not the plugin ofmeet (version 0.9.1) share the screen?

Hi people,

After updating openfire to 4.1.5 and ofmeet to 0.9.1 I noticed that the screen sharing feature is no longer displayed. The “User Interface” tab of the plugin does not display this option. Is that right or am I missing sometinhg?

Note: Other resources: share videos from youtube, etc., work normally.


We have disabled many features 0.3.x features in order to catch up with upsteam Jitsi changes. At this stage is more or less Jitsi-Meet - but we’ll start restoring the 0.3.x functionality again soon before we get to 1.0.

For more detail, read this Openfire Meetings 0.4.x branch · igniterealtime/community-plugins Wiki · GitHub

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