Drop connection issue

Hello all,

We have a Jave Messenger server which keeps multiple client connections all the time. What I found today is that the server drops all connections for unknown reasons. Does anyone have such a problem before? Note: we use this connection for data communication. Could the Jive Messenger server drop the connections because of too much traffic in certain time.

Please help.



Another note: the connections would automatically come back after a few minutes.


What’'s the network topology between your client and server? Is it on a local network, a vpn, over the internet?


The Jabber clients include internal network users and external network users outside of our firewall.



Are both types (internal and external) of users complaining about dropped connections?


Correct. The dropped connections would come back automatically after a few minutes.


Most clients have a auto reconnect built in, but that won’'t prevent it from dropping again.

From the client, run a ping -t and wait for a connection reconnect to happen. See if the ping echo’'s ever stop.


Thanks for the info. Do you have an idea why the Jive server drops all connections? I know some other Jabber servers would drop connections when the traffic exceeds a configuable limit to prevent from hacker attacks.



Honestly, I don’‘t think it’‘s Jive Messenger. I think you might have a network issue. I want to try and remove the possibilty that it’'s Messenger.

If you connect to Messenger locally? Does the problem persist? You could throw a load generator at it. See http://sourceforge.net/projects/jabbertest. Try generating the load from the same machine. If you see dropped packets in that configuration, then it’'s a Messenger issue.

Did the ping -t test work?


When I said all connections are dropped by the Jive Messenger, I meant all users either from outside of our firewall or insode of our firewall. Ping works but the Jabber connection was dropped. Before I tried the Tipic Jabber which occured more often. I think it might not be a network issue. Do you know if the Jive messenger has a traffic limit, such as 10Mb/hour, or for each session, 100Mb is the maximum limit. Over the limit would drop the connection?



I don’‘t know of any limit within messenger, in fact I’‘d wager there isn’'t one.

What about connecting to messenger from the server? Do you see the same problem? I’'m wondering if you have a bad network interface, i.e. the port is shot.


Actually connecting from the server seems good. I don’'t understand why after a few minutes, all dropped JIDs automatically come back online.



So when you connect to Messenger on the server, it doesn’'t exhibit the behavior…dropping of connections?

Try moving it to another server, or even a desktop. See if the problem still persists.


After users get connected for many days, say 2 weeks, their connection would get dropped for 10 minutes and automatically get recovered. That’'s why I guess that it might be an traffic limitation in the Jive Messenger server in my previous email.



I do not believe this is an issue with Messenger. I’'m not aware of any code that would drop connections after a certain amount of time.

Auto reconnect is built into almost every IM client out there. It’'s not a feature of the server itself.

Have you tried moving the server to a different machine?
