Eager to contribute and join spark dev team.Env Up and running!

I am working as a Sr Java Consultant in a telecom company and comfortable with Java,XML and many other open source technologies. I sure know the importance of a communication tool like Spark !

I can definitely devote few hrs every week and so looking forward to be a part of this great community!!

Welcome When Daryl notice your post he will grant you some permissions in the bug tracker (JIRA), so you will be able to file tickets and attach patches. After you gather some trust from our current developers you will probably get SVN access. Now you can create an account in JIRA (http://issues.igniterealtime.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa) and report it here.

yay more people joining the team

Glad to see more people joining to push spark over the edge and get some development flowing on it. I’ve spent the last few days mulling over the source and feel a lot more comfortable with it now! It is nice to see clean heavily commented code. Some of the stuff i work with is so cryptic :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks wroot ! My id on JIRA is “moon”,looking forward for some work.

Btw, there is an Openfire server on this site (currently at 3.7.0 beta version), you can use it for testing or contacting others. Server: igniterealtime.org You can create an account there if you like. Then you can browse to conferences and join Open Chat. There are some people online all the time, but usually we gather on Wednesdays at 10:00am PST (18:00 UTC/GMT). You can also do this via browser http://www.igniterealtime.org/support/group_chat.jsp

Awesome, had no idea. =]

I actually did have some questions and was looking to find out how to get into contact with other devs.



You should be all set.

Thanks Daryl !