Email Listener

Hi- I’m using build 3.5.2 on a WINXP machine with a home-based email server (hMailServer) having IMAP capability. I’m trying to use the Email Listener plugin and was wondering if the group had some advice. My connection fails although my server works POP and SMTP. Here are my settings (attached GIF)

Appreciate help if someone uses this feature. Thanks,


The answer was simple but the process to find it was long and mystic. On the Email Listener screen, it asks for the Folder. The correct name of the folder is that which shows in the IMAP (Client) application. In my case, it was all upper case. Changing the Folder name to INBOX (as opposed to ‘Inbox’) fixed the problem. I haven’t been able to actually see the mails yet, but at least the Test Settings was successful.


Muito obrigado por compartilhar a solução, o meu estava dando problema também alterei o campo Folder: que estava com o nome “Ibox” mudei para INBOX e deu certo.