And finally it works
Hooray. And in the process we managed to convert you to using the superior IDE - IntelliJ
Thank you very much y’all. IntelliJ seems cool
Hello @wroot please what domain do I use when creating the Spark account?
I have thought I was going to need openfire server so I have installed it and don’t know where to use it. So what do I use as a domain? Do I need to create one before I can use Spark?
We can ask @akrherz to create you an account on Openfire server. So you can use that and then you don’t have to run your own server. Or you can find a public XMPP server and register there. Look here Although this list is a bit out of date. E.g. has disabled public registration a year ago, but is still on the list.
You can also try with your own server. If you installed it on the same machine you want to run Spark (from code i suppose) then it most probably used your machine’s name for a domain name.Then you can use your computer name as domain name in Spark. This works on Windows, not sure about macOS. And i think it is easier to first create an account on the server and use it to login than going through account creation in Spark.
I will prefer @akrherz creates an account for me. That’s fine by me.
private messaged the details.