Error starting XMPP listener on port 5222: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

I have been struggling with this for some time. As per my last post I ended up re-installing it. Everything is fine now except for one thing. When I open Jive Messenger Server it generates the error

“Error starting XMPP listener on port 5222: Address already in use: JVM_Bind”

I am running Windows 2000 and I am also using the newest Jive Server.

Any suggestions?



This means that another instance of Jive Messenger is already running or some other server is bound to that port. Make sure that the old install isn’'t hanging around somewhere…




I just tried it again. I uninstalled Jive Messenger Server via add/remove programs. Manually deleted the Jive Messenger folder in /Program Files. Closed any processes I thought that might be causing anything to hang. Rebooted.

Then reinstalled Jive Server which installs fine. I can start the server, then I go to the admin console to set that part up. Once done that it asks me to stop and restart the server.

Once I restart it, that is when that error comes up.

Its a fresh isntall of windows 2000 so I have nothing else running that is using port 5222.

Any ideas?




This is a very strange error. How are you starting and stopping the app? Are you using the launcher or the Windows service?



I have tried both methods,

