Error when dispath message in the function MessageListener.processMessage(Chat chat, Message message)

Sorry , My English is not very good, so I holp you can understand what I will say T_T

in my programe. when I receive a Message, I want to dispath the message to some people. ( I don’t use the group chart, because the message can’t be send to everyone in the group).

private Map userArray;
    private Map chatArray;      // in RosterListener ,  I add new user to the chatArray and userArray
    public void presenceChanged(Presence presence)
        String userEmailAddress = org.jivesoftware.smack.util.StringUtils.parseBareAddress(presence.getFrom());
        RosterEntry entry = model.getRoster().getEntry(userEmailAddress);
         * online or off line
        if (!presence.isAway()) {//             // add new online user
            if (!this.getUserArray().containsValue(entry)) {
                this.getUserArray().put(userEmailAddress, entry);
                Chat chat = model.getChatmanager().createChat(userEmailAddress, this.messageListener);
                this.getChatArray().put(userEmailAddress, chat);
        } else {// 用户离线
            Chat chat = model.getChatArray().get(entry.getUser());
            chat.removeMessageListener(this.messageListener);//                      this.chartArray.getChatArray().remove(entry.getUser());//
  "we lost a user !");
    }     // in messageListener , when I receive a message, I dispath it to     @Override
    public void processMessage(Chat chat, Message req)
        String senderId = chat.getParticipant();
        String msgString = req.getBody();
        // ignore the empty message
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(msgString)) {
        }"we get a message : " + senderId + " : " + msgString);
         * get send user entry
        try {
            // get user name and id
            String senderId = chat.getParticipant()
            // compose message
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            sb.append(senderName).append(" Said: ").append(req.getBody);
            //get all connected users
            Iterator<Entry<String, Chat>> it = this.chartArray.entrySet().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Entry<String, Chat> e =;
                String key = e.getKey();
                Chat receiver = e.getValue();
                String receiverId = receiver.getParticipant();
                if (!senderId.equalsIgnoreCase(receiverId)) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new BaseException(e.toString(), "ROB-ERR-00006");

I want it work like this way: this programe connect to server as user R. user A, B, C in online, when A send a massage like “Hello” to user R (the programe) , messageListener.processMessage() was called. then the programe send this message like " A said: Hello " to B and C.

now my problem is, at first, this programe run well. but after a while, the method messageListener.processMessage() was also be called when

this programe send the message like " A said: Hello " to B and C.

the console log look like this:

A said: Hello

B said: A said: Hello

C said: B said: A said: Hello

C said: B said: A said: Hello

A said: B said: A said: Hello

A said: B said: A said: Hello

…and so on , the programe drop into an endless loop.

I think the method messageListener.processMessage() will only be called when other user send message to the programe. and I also read the ducument and the API.

But Why in My programe it alse be called when I send message use the function chat.sendMessage() !!!

Can you help me ? I’m waitting for your help,

No one can help me? T^T