Exploring S2S solutions in Windows - Connection Manager First Run

I’m exploring advancing my usage of Openfire in the area of server-to-server, S2S, for Windows connections and I am missing some pieces of the puzzle. Can you please share some assistance?

In addidtion, after attempting to run the Connection Manager 3.4.3 module, I get the feeling I must be missing something obvious. While I’ve downloaded the Connection Manager package and extracted into the c:\Program Files~ path as instructed, read the documentation, modifed the required xml file, and ran the cmanager.bat batch process, nothing seems to have happened. There is a blink of a DOS window of the batch file running that vanishes in less than a second. I’ve opened the cmanager.bat file to see what is going on and am confused about the %java_home% environmental variable. This isn’t a default Windows Environmental Variable so I don’t understand how this could reference any preexisting path. It would seem that this Java relatioship is the root cause of the operational/installation failures; the extracted files do not include the java components referenced in the cmanager.bat file though.

My basic questions:

  • Is the Connection Manager (CM) intended to install separately from all other OpenFire code or am I supposed to have the OpenFire server installed as a pre-requisite?

  • What about Java, is it installed with the package so that the cmanager.bat file doesn’t error out?

  • What should the source of Java be then if it doesn’t come with the package?

  • Is there a Console?

  • Will it install as a Service?

  • What OS requirements exist if any? in other words is Server 2003 adequate?

  • Other than opening up the firewall for TCP 5262 are there any other ports required?

  • inbound?

  • outbound?

  • Once this is running how do I connect Spark Clients?

  • I’ve just assumed that once CM is running - connection would be no different than in the domain itself since no information on this was given