Feature request: Add bookmarks to Private Storage?

I was scrolling messenger.script content, tried to add some bookmarks to users private storage (server was shudown of course). After this i cannot connect to server. And i cannot connect to server after removing some offline messages. A few days ago i have edited this file a little (changed server name, because this databse was moved to other machine), and it works.

Is it possible to add some option to be able to manage users Private Storage in AC? It could be useful, because now i had add bookmarks manually for every user.

Just wondering, is it possible to restrict users entering some custom nickname in MUC? Maybe room created on server could control such thing or even synchronize with user’‘s roster (roster is showing Names, but MUC is showing usernames). Anyway if it’'s possible i think it have to be implemented by client too.

pending: JM-351

fixed: JM-225

pending: JM-353