Feature request: group membership, pagination

Admin Console

  1. It is convenient to set an user group membership directly from “Create User” and “Edit User” dialogs, but not only from “Edit Group” dialog.

  2. Pagination (where it would not be applied) must be tunable. I want to set “records per page” value convenient to me.


Admin Console

  1. It is convenient to set an user group membership

directly from “Create User” and “Edit User” dialogs,

but not only from “Edit Group” dialog.

Sounds good, yes.

I’'d vote for a checkable list with all existent groups (GroupManager.getGroups()).

CreateUser would be quite easy to modify, imho.

EditUser just needs to (try to) remove the user from each unselected group. I could try to add it - I guess it would be a rather small change.

  1. Pagination (where it would not be applied) must be

tunable. I want to set “records per page” value

convenient to me.

Yep. Not that important for me, but a little annoying…
