File transfer cancelled

Hi I am using spark 1.1.4 and wildfire 2.5.1 because I am behind a firewall and want to transfer files with clientes that are out side my net. Hi have de wildfire server behind de firewall so I opened ports 5222 5223 and 7777, the wildfire server is my proxy server.

But when I send a file to a client outside my local net or when they try to send me a file, after one or two minutes I recieve the error file transfer cancelled.

I read at the jivesoftware portal that with spark 1.1 Users should never have to worry about how their network is setup or firewall .

I don´t know what I’'m doing wrong, any help?

Thank you


xmpp.proxy.externalip should be set to the external address of your server, the address that users connect to via the internet.

