File transfer proxy keeps advertising through disco even if disabled

I’'ve disabled the file transfer proxy option though my web interface, but I noticed clients making connections to (a nonexistent) proxy subdomain. When I debugged, service discovery appeared to be advertise the disabled proxy service.

Hey Guus:

Thanks for the report, I filed an issue as JM-571. The fix has been checked in and you can see it in the next nightly build.


Alex, I just upgraded through SVN, but I’'m still seeing the errors of the connection attempts to the proxy, even though the admin panel reports the service as ‘‘disabled.’’

Hey Guus:

I’'m sorry to hear you are still experiencing this issue. Could you post or send to me a complete packet trace so I could hopefully get to the bottom of the issue.

Also, which client are you using. Is it a Smack based client because if it is, they will cache the proxy servers after the first transfer.



Sorry it took me while to answer, Alex.

I’‘m positive that on restart of my server, the server starts advertising update… We’‘re using a client we developed (are developing) ourselves, so there’'s no caching going on. Besides that, when I use the Smack debug to send disco requests, and the proxy shows up there.

I disabled the file transfer from the start - our client isn’‘t even able to make use of it, so I’'m pretty confident there never has been a filetransfer before (therefor, a cache will be unlikely).

I removed both system properties. When I look at the admin panel, the service reports being ‘‘disabled.’’

Hey Guus,

I reopened the issue as I noticed some issues with it which cropped up. I assure you it is just a disco problem at the moment and that, in fact, it is not running. So, its just a matter of making sure it doesn’'t appear in disco, I should have the fix up soon.

