First chat doesn't show

This just started a few days ago. When someone sends me a chat, the first one doesn’t show. I get the notification I have a new chat and who the chat is from, but what they typed is missing. If they type another chat after then it shows and keeps working as long as I keep the chat window open. If I close the window and a new chat is sent I once again can’t see what they typed.

What Spark version?

Latest 2.8.3

Have you recently updated from an older version or was it a fresh install of 2.8.3? It sounds like this issue
It seems that clean reinstall and starting with a fresh Spark profile usually helps.

You can wipe your Spark profile and start with a fresh one. Spark profile is here
If you need your history, copy this folder:
And copy it back after you start with a fresh profile.

Is there a particular file to delete or delete everything (including the subfolders)?

I just uninstalled/deleted everything and re-installed. Works now.

I started with 2.8.0 originally. Upgraded to 2.8.3 when it came out.

It’s not known what is causing this exactly. Probably some old library left over during the update.

Any word on the next release of Spark?

Can’t say. Development is in stall now. And too many issues to make a release. Issues blocking 2.9.0 release