Get notification

Hi, it’'s possible to know if a message has sent to a specific person ok??

Thanks in advance

Sure, take a look at the MessageEventNotificationListener Interface and have a look at the extended documentation. It gives full examples of how to use it


I’‘ve used this code, but I don’'t receive any notification message.

Could you tell me why not?

Thanks in advance


/* Main code */


XMPPConnection.DEBUG_ENABLED = true;

conIM = IMUtil.getConnectionIM();

conIM = IMUtil.login(conIM, nickNameFrom, password);

MessageEventManager messageEventManager = new MessageEventManager(conIM);

MessageListener messageListener = new MessageListener();


Chat chat1 = conIM.createChat(nickNameTo);

Message msg = chat1.createMessage();


MessageEventManager.addNotificationsRequests(msg, true, true, true, true);



// I never exit from this loop


/* close connection */


/* Listener code */


public class MessageListener implements MessageEventNotificationListener {

private boolean notified = false;

public boolean isNotified() {return notified;}

public void deliveredNotification(String from, String packetID) {

this.notified = true;


public void displayedNotification(String from, String packetID) {

this.notified = true;


public void composingNotification(String from, String packetID) {

this.notified = true;


public void offlineNotification(String from, String packetID) {

this.notified = true;


public void cancelledNotification(String from, String packetID) {

this.notified = true;



The only notification I’‘ve received it’'s ‘‘composing’’ using PSI client.

Message was edited by: RAR

This is an extension (jabber:x:event, JEP-22), so it has to be supported by the other’'s client (for displayed and composing) and server (for offline and delivered).

Thank you very much !!!