Get the username in the packet interceptor


I use the packet interceptor and I want to get the username for a Message type packet.

what can I do?


Message was edited by: brasco

Hi brasco,

I’‘m not exactly sure what you mean by get the username but I’‘ve included a sample interceptor that gets both the recipent and sender JID’'s

private class SamplePacketInterceptor implements PacketInterceptor {

public void interceptPacket(Packet packet, Session session, boolean incoming, boolean processed) throws PacketRejectedException {

if ((packet instanceof Message) && !processed) {

Message presencePacket = (Message) packet;

JID toJID = presencePacket.getTo();

JID fromJID = presencePacket.getFrom();





Please note that the “XMPP protocol often makes the “from” attribute optional, so it does not always need to be set.”

Hope that helps,



Yes you understand well.

I already make a similar code:

Message message = (Message)packet;

String mess = message.getBody();

String name = message.getTo().toString();

After I want to write in a file the history of the chat with the name and the message:

the string name give me

I think I must use the regular expression to pick ou just the name

I’'m interested to have many others information.

Can I have the IP adress of the users?

the operatinf system version and the client version?

thanks for the help

Hi Brasco,

the string name give me

I think I must use the regular expression to pick ou just the name

Or, you could just do:

String name = message.getTo().getNode();

Can I have the IP adress of the users?

Sure, something like the following would work:

String address = XMPPServer.getInstance().getSessionManager().getSession(message.getFrom()).getC onnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();

the operatinf system version and the client version?

I don’‘t believe there is a way to get the clients OS but you could get the client version by sending it an Version IQ packet (jabber:iq:version). Sorry I don’'t have any code examples on how this is done but you should be able to find something in the Wildfire/Spark code/javadocs.

Hope that helps,


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Thanks Ryan for your reply

Message was edited by: brasco