Getting all the users from openfire server using smack in android

i have a openfire server running on my localhost and i am successfully able to send and receive messages to registered users. however i am not been able to get all users from server. i am logged in with user that doesn’t have a administration access. so do i need to give any permission on server side?

The code i am using for getting all users is…

` if ( xmpp.getConnection()== null || !xmpp.getConnection().isConnected())

try {
UserSearchManager usm = new UserSearchManager(xmpp.getConnection());
Form searchForm = usm.getSearchForm(“search.” + xmpp.getConnection().getServiceName());
Form answerForm = searchForm.createAnswerForm();
UserSearch userSearch = new UserSearch();
answerForm.setAnswer(“Username”, true);
answerForm.setAnswer(“search”, userName);
ReportedData data = userSearch.sendSearchForm(xmpp.getConnection(), answerForm, “search.” + xmpp.getConnection().getServiceName());

for (ReportedData.Row row : data.getRows())
} catch (Exception e) {

i tried some solutions that shows to use Roster class, however that is also not helping me. Can anyone show what i am doing wrong or if i need to give any permission as i am not logged in as admin?
