Getting Jive Messenger to work

I am new around here! Sorry if it is a very basic question.

I have installed the jive messenger working with an external database (ms sql server) but it seems that no client works with my server.

I have downloaded a few and every time I try to connect, I get the following message on the Log Viewer (Admin Console).

Could not route packet

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class org.xmpp.packet.Presence$Type.available

at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(Unknown Source)

at org.xmpp.packet.Presence$Type.valueOf(

at org.xmpp.packet.Presence.getType(

at org.jivesoftware.messenger.PresenceRouter.handle(

at org.jivesoftware.messenger.PresenceRouter.route(

at org.jivesoftware.messenger.PacketRouter.route(

at a:240)


Can anyone help me?




What client are you using to connect? From what I can tell, your client is trying to send a Presence packet with a type of “available”. That’'s not a valid type according to the XMPP spec. Instead, the client should be sending an empty type valid to indicate available presence.



Wouldn’‘t it be better if Messenger just ignored this “available” value as it wasn’‘t there instead of dying? We can’'t all control what client people use, and it would be a shame if all other users would suffer because a single one uses a bad client.

I don’‘t think Messenger actually crashed or stopped responding… it should have just printed the error and then moved on. If that’'s not the case, please let me know. No input from a remote user should ever be able to stop the server.


Ah my bad if that’'s the case. I assumed it stopped the server :-). Just ignore me!

I am runnig a gush on a w2k… and I tried from differents computers. The weird thing is that I tried to use an iChat on a MAC OSX and it worked…

How did you do that?

I’‘ve installed Jive Messenger 2.3. I’‘ve created a user account using the admin console. The Jive Messenger user name can not conform to the email-form required by iChat AV jabber settings? iCaht AV requires an e-mail as jabber-ID, while Jive Messenger doesn’'t allow me to create a user named by an e-mail address?


Our Messenger server is not our mail host. I made the mistake using the real email address as registered in my user profile of the Messenger server. Once I realized I should use it worked like a charm.