Getting to know the Spark Source Code

Hey All,

Just been running spark from eclipse and getting myself acquainted with the project these last few days. I wanted to know if there are any docs that kind of cover the structure/layout/design of the spark source? Any important to note classes which are commonly used?

For example, I develop a large suite of services all wrapped around a service bus called RICE. In rice there are some common classes which are used all over for tasks. Like KIMServiceLocator for obtaining information about users and KEWServiceLocator for obtaining information about workflow documents/routing…etc

This is just a brief example and probably not the greatest in the world but i’m hoping to get some good footing as I start to peruse the issue tracker and tackle some of the more outstanding issues!



I hope cstux (current project lead) will be able to answer some of your questions. Though i doubt there is a documentation about Spark’s source structure/layout. This project was taken over 2 times now. And the original developer didn’t left any documentation of that type, nor the previous volunteer developer.

Ah that is reasonable and understandable just hoping that i might get lucky! haha.

Off topic, but another strange thing I came across: calls (on line 66) flashWindow(Window);

the purpose of the method is to call the proper notify handlers and call their respective flash window functions.

On my build it only ever resolves to the SysTrayPlugin which of course does not flash the window. Is this poor naming or is this done on purpose? Tied to the flashing window bug maybe? I don’t know since my windows will sometimes flash and sometimes not flash.