Google libjingle

Can we take advantage of google jingle to our advantage for Wildfire integration of VoIP?


Oh you sneaky person!

Jingle has been talked about in the Wednesday chats, etc.


We definitely want to support Jingle in both Wildfire and Spark. We may be able to use libjingle in Spark, but it’‘s not clear to us yet what we’'re going to need to do in the server.


Oh you sneaky person!

Jingle has been talked about in the Wednesday chats,


Do you know where there are chat logs? Regarding it looks like the last chat session was hold on 2 November… Are the logs maybe moved to another location and am I just looking at an old location?

Are the logs maybe moved to another location and am I

just looking at an old location?

Try searching forum for a “Chat transcript”. Matt is attaching every chat transcript in forum.