Group Chat Meeting showing wrong video stream

I am a noob to this, but I got the openfire meetings setup as well as group chat. If I go direct to ofmeet and copy the link for the auto created video conference it works fine, however, if I go through candy or go through the persistent meeting I have setup through group chat, it shows both parties logged in, but the video stream at both ends only shows that ends user. How would I fix this?

Thank you

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Same here. I only see /my/ video. Not the video of the other participant. Chat is no problem. I can chat while being connected to https://myserver:443/ofmeet/?r=myroom. So question is how do i switch which video is fullscreen in the browser?

thanks and cheers

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After reinstalling everything, use mariadb as backend and oracle-jdk instead of icedtea i’ve got openfire meeting running.



After reinstalling everything, use mariadb as backend and oracle-jdk instead of icedtea i’ve got openfire meeting running.



I have a running system on this, I’d really rather not have to start that over. It should work with mysql as well right?

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I think mysql should work too, yes. Do you use icedtea instead of oracle?

I am not sure how to find that, I used mostly defaults in setup.

Take a look at the chrome browser console log for any messages that will explain why media is not flowing through.

Hi, would you pls tell us which oracal jdk works fine?


Hi. Sorry i am late. I’m using oracle-jdk-bin-



I need to bump this again, I have been playing with this for quite a while, but can’t seem to figure it out. I am not really certain of which logs to be looking at for errors either.

Here is what my console log reports:

Focus jid set to: focus@im.fcfs.local

muc.js?v=17:26 Joined MUC as

app.js?v=22:803 entered Scottorn Object

strophe.util.js:11 Strophe: error: Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of undefined

at setDisplayName (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/videolayout.js?v=31:771:36)

at (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/videolayout.js?v=31:502:13)

at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/app.js?v=22:823:17)

at HTMLDocument.n.event.dispatch (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/libs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js:3:6404)

at HTMLDocument.r.handle (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/libs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js:3:3179)

at Object.n.event.trigger (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/libs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js:3:5512)

at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/libs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js:3:11480)

at Function.n.extend.each (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/libs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2:2880)

at n.fn.n.each (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/libs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js:2:847)

at n.fn.extend.trigger (https://im.fcfs.local:7443/ofmeet/libs/jquery-2.1.1.min.js:3:11456)Strophe.log @ strophe.util.js:11

strophe.js?v=1:890 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘appendChild’ of undefined

strophe.jingle.js?v=2:52 on jingle session-initiate from …

strophe.jingle.session.js?v=2:430 setRemoteDescription when remote description is not null, should be pranswer RTCSessionDescription

app.js?v=22:679 emuc data for undefined

strophe.jingle.session.js?v=2:72 REMOTE STREAM ADDED: [object MediaStream] - mixedmslabel

app.js?v=22:728 new ssrcs Array[2]

strophe.jingle.session.js?v=2:284 Have we encountered any srflx candidates? false

strophe.jingle.session.js?v=2:285 Have we encountered any relay candidates? false

strophe.jingle.session.js?v=2:294 sendIceCandidates Array[5]

data_channels.js?v=3:19 Data channel opened by the Videobridge! RTCDataChannel

app.js?v=22:1684 selected endpoint changed: undefined

data_channels.js?v=3:66 Data channel new dominant speaker event: ofmeet7353

Can you assist in solving this issue?