Groupchat login problem(Wildfire 3.2.2 + jwChat + MUckl)

Hi everyone, i am new to jabber and wildfire. Hope anyone can help in following problem and sorry for causing any trouble.

I successfully set up a groupchat in my portal by using Wildfire 3.2.2 + jwChat + MUckl(with http-bind) just like the groupchat app in

However, when I connect to the same chat room with the same nickname, example: John join in chatroom A first then join in chatroom A with same nickname(John ) with another browser later;

The chatroom A did not block/prevent John join the chatroom in second attempt, and then both chatroom hang and also cannot send any message. The correct behavior should be chatroom A block John when John try to join the chatroom in second time.

Is this behavior due to my Wildfire configuration? or jabber client error? Hope anyone can help me with this. Thanks.


Message was edited by: ghostsboy

Hey ghostsboy,

Welcome to Openfire!!! The server will only allow a nickname to be used by a single user per group chat room. Moreover, when a user tries to join a group chat room using a nickname that is already being used by another user then the server will return an error to the client trying to join.

My guess is that the JWChat client is not correctly handling the error being sent back from the server after joining the room. The client is problably not giving you proper feedback and instead of closing the group chat room it let you think that you are in the room and that you can even send messages when in fact you are not in the room.

You can easily reproduce this case using other XMPP clients. You will find that the traffic is something like this:

SENT: <presence to=""><c node="" ver="" xmlns=""></c><x xmlns=""></x><status>Available</status><priority>0</priority></presence> RECV: <presence to="" from="" type="error"><c xmlns="" node="" ver=""></c><x xmlns=""></x><status>Available</status><priority>0</priority><error code="409" type="cancel"><conflict xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"></conflict></error></presence>

I would recommend contacting the client developers and let them know that they are not handing errors when joining rooms correctly. Moreover, I think that JWChat is an abandond project and the developer replaced it with another web client.


– Gato