Groups are empty


our Openfire installation use LDAP to store users. During configuration group attributes were properly defined and test option did show groups correctly.

When I enter now ‘user/groups’ -> ‘groups’ then I click on some group I see noone in. In ‘members of this group’ section I see ‘No members in this group. Use the form above to add some.’ but there is no option to ad any member.

First of all why groups are empty if ldap connection was properly configured? Even if I want to check ldap config again I have no option to configure just some part of LDAP connection [like group objectclass] but I have to pass all process again [I did it onec and Openfire stoped working at all even if the config was right - so, it’s dangerous].

If someone could tell me what I could do about this subject…

Thanks in advance,


I cant’t help you about the group problem, but i can tell you that reconfigure the LDAP settings it’s not dangerous.

i just did it a few minutes ago and i couldn’t even login in the admin control page after restarting Openfire, i got a login error with my admin account, then i wait a few minutes and restart Openfire again and it worked ok. Maybe Openfire need a time to comunicate the new data with AD, i dunno…

OK, thanks anyway. Frankly speaking I do not see what is the purpose we have groups in Openfire. I do not see them in Spark communicator, I cannot send any broadcast to groups [i do not see them there]…