Hazelcast clustering across the WAN is not working

I am running 3.8.1 with HC 1.0.4 on servers.

I am trying to create an environment between 2 servers across the WAN which can “see” each other. User logged into one server would be able to communicate with the users logged into the other server.
Within the LAN i have tested that with HC and it works great. But on the WAN I am facing issues, Although i see both servers under clustring section but user can’t login in single attempt, if loges in then appear online after several minutes in Admin panel and in clients. A message sent from one user to another is taking hours to reach. Search plugin fails and several other issues.
I have simulated the LAN enviroment by opening all traffic between 2 servers but it didn’t work.

Both servers are configured with an external LDAP server. Both server are connected to mysql databases, which are synced with each other on master/master base so virtually both servers are connected to same database.

Is there any recommended method to make HC work across the WAN or tune it.

Please help.

Thank you.


Did you have any luck with getting this working, we are having a similar issue. I have two servers clustered together where as if I create a room on one it shows up on the other server, however the users can’t see eachother even in the rooms.


You may try WAN Replication in HC


I have configured all nodes in my 2 clusters per the documentation found at Ken’s link. However, I cannot seem to get any cross-cluster communication going. Has anyone got this working?

My config on all 4 nodes…

com.hazelcast.impl.wan.WanNoDelayReplication</replication-imp l>

com.hazelcast.impl.wan.WanNoDelayReplication</replication-imp l>
