Help error decrypting OX IM Message

Hi @Flow,
was thinking and experimenting about this and it should not be full Jid since it will crash the app if the other end is offline at the moment of checking (with service not available). SO I think it registers the anouncement once and the other clients reads it there.

How does it do that, am yet to figure out!

Yeah that might be the issue.

I guess a fix would either be switching the argument to fulljid, or probably even better (considered we are talking about offline capable end-to-end encryption) create two methods. One named contactSupportsOX(BareJid) which returns true if there is a public key available and one deviceAnnouncedSupport(FullJid) which returns true if the specific resource announced support.

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Hi Paul,
will it take long to have a new alpha with the changes? I’m testing alpha5 and so far the only things that is not working is OX-IM. Would be happy to test that too!

It depends on if I or someone else find the time to do it :stuck_out_tongue:.
Pull requests are welcome :slight_smile:

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Is it only changing the argument and split the methods or something deeper?
If only that is the case, I will be happy to make PR

What you want to do is change deviceAnnouncesSupport(BareJid jid) to entityAnnouncesSupport(Jid jid) (note the changed argument type) and rename contactSupportsOxInstantMessaging(OpenPgpContact|BareJid) to contactAnnouncesPgpKey(OpenPgpContact|BareJid).

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Will do that and make PR. Are there specific coding rules/ Code of Conduct or any such thing for contributors?

Basically just make sure that gradle check passes and try to run the integration tests successfully to make sure not to break stuff. Also if the functionality is not yet tested, then some junit / integrations tests are warmly welcomed :slight_smile:

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OK thanks. I will see if I can get this done over this weekend

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