Help : spark SSO problem

Hello everyone,

Having trouble setting up openfire & spark using active directory single sign on . Currently using spark 2.5.8 and openfire 3.4.5 on win server 2003 & XP. i’m following steps as described at HOWTO: SSO Configuration for Windows (Server and Clients) and Mac Clients but find out that its doesnt work for me. Last thing i try is installing spark on the same server as openfire. Sometime it can work and sometimes not. After sniffing around i found something on the smack debug windows. Spark is sending different packet at a time. It will work fine with SSO when it sends following packet :

Packet 1

<iq id=“c0c3v-0” type=“set”>
<bind xmlns=“urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind”>

Packet 2

<iq id=“c0c3v-1” type=“set”>
<session xmlns=“urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session”/>

and will fail to authenticate when sending this packet :

Packet 1

<iq id=“J3030-0” type=“get”>
<query xmlns=“jabber:iq:auth”>

Packet 2

<iq id=“J3030-1” type=“set”>
<query xmlns=“jabber:iq:auth”>

meanwhile, in my windows XP client, spark is always sending the second type packet. this causes the client always fail to authenticated on my XP client.

is there any explanation about why spark behave this way??


Make sure you are following all the steps very carefully. From what you have posted, Spark is not attempting to use GSSAPI, the login method associated with SSO. Spark will do this when it cannot determine the login credentials.