How can i find out the conversation date and time from database?

All i can see on ofmessagearchive table on the table field>startDate value is 1225453404594. Now how can i find out the orginal date and time from this sequence?

The startDate value is the Java long value retrieved from Date.getLong() (see

I typically have Groovy installed on my system. So with Groovy, I would do the following:

$ groovy -e "print new Date(1225453404594)"
Fri Oct 31 04:43:24 PDT 2008

You could accomplish the same thing with java code:

System.out.println(new Date(1225453404594));

Or with Javascript:

alert (new Date(1225453404594));

Thanx for your reply. This was really helpful. What if i wanted this sequence from date and time ie vice versa of previous question?

In java you’d do:

Date myDate = new Date(); // you'll probably get myDate from elsewhere

Again, javascript is very similar:

alert((new Date()).getTime());

Now how can i find out the orginal date and time from this sequence?
I think it is useful to know that these “sequence” are milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC.