How can I log all XML comming from clients?


Anybody can tell me How can I log the XML comming from client for debugging purpose. I am not able to locate the code where clients sends this to server,

I found a source code of plugin in source code of openfire

named “Debugger Plugin” which solves my problems. Any One who want to print incoming XML and outgoing XML can use this plugin

There is plugin in openfire source named “Debugger Plugin” in ./src/plugin/xmldebugger. Compile this plugin and print all In and Out XML for debugging purpose.

Anyidea where it prints lol ? I tried looking in the logs but I cant see anything.

Hi, have look at the default output (where System.out.print() prints the messages)

hmm i.e the info log ? I checked all of them but can’t find anything : /

I also added the plugin.debugger.interpretedAllowed=true to the system prop. Still nothing.

Ah stupid me STDOUT lol.