How do I add plugin menu item under User Properties?

I’m creating a new plugin, but can’t get the side menu to work properly. The plugin’s functionality deals with a single user at a time, so I want to add it to the Users tab under User Options (sibling to User Properties, Roster, Password, etc). User Options doesn’t appear until a user is selected on the User Summary page.

So, after selecting a user, User Options appears, and my plugin menu item appears how I’d like – after Delete User. However, when I click on my plugin’s menu item, the upper level menu options disappear and the side menu just becomes the options normally under User Options (User Properties, Roster, Password, etc). How do I get the rest of menu to remain?

For my plugin.xml, I copied the structure from admin-sidebar.xml and added my item:

I’m now wondering if this is an issue with Openfire. Anyway, here’s some screen captures of what I’m talking about. In the pics, my plugin is the menu item called ‘vCard’. menu-after.png shows what happens to the left side menu after clicking on ‘vCard’. Should I post this in the support forum?

I found the answer: in my jsp, I had:

Changing it to

fixed the issue. I was looking at the user-roster.jsp and noticed the different meta name. On a whim, I tried it and joy. Are the different meta properties documented somewhere?