How to automatically update a shared contact list group?

I’ve gone ahead and entered all of the cache.------- 300000 timers mentioned above in hopes that this makes the problem a little lesser. Encountered this problem again last night with another new user.

I can tell you that I do not have this issue. Yes it takes a while for new users to sync from AD but they do sync automatically with out server restarts. Mine generally sync within an hour. It is a non-event since we create new accounts days prior to their first use. Again once the user is synced to openfire each spark client must be restarted prior to the user showing in the roster. I do not mean they will not show until everyone does this, I mean they will show in your roster as soon as you do it. IF they are not I would suggest something is wrong with your spark or your openfire install.


Is there any changes to make openfire vs. ldap refreshing?