How to build Smack source code to jar file?(I have imported Smack source code to Eclipse,but I don't know how to build it)

I found a method to import Smack source code to Eclipse with no error, of course, it works well. (the import method as the picture below) pe=14&containerID=1&draftID=93914

but I want to build the source code to get jars for my android project,I used eclipse to develop android, it is difficulty to integrated with Smack,I tried many times to download jars from Internet,but I failed,I can’t connect to my Openfire Server and I got many exceptions. So I git clone the Smack source code and “grandle build” in the Smack source code root directory,but I build failed with exception

Execution failed for task ‘:smack-tcp:signArchives’.

Cannot perform signing task ‘:smack-tcp:signArchives’ because it has no configured signatory

I just want to get smack jars completely,if you have any good idea, please let me know, thank you very much!

The hyperlink is an pic that I want to show how to import Smack source code to Eclipse,it can’t show normally, so I write here:

I use Eclipse: Just run gradle eclipse in Smack’s root directory and use Eclipse’s Project importer to import the created projects. Make sure to have “including nested subprojects” (or so) checked when importing.

you may set isSnapshot to true in the version.gradle file, then build the source code.

but I met the problem:

  • What went wrong:
    Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:smack-core:testCompileClasspath’.

Could not find jxmpp-jid-tests.jar (org.jxmpp:jxmpp-jid:0.5.0).
Searched in the following locations:

How to resolve it?

See Smack Code which IDE?