How to encode polish signs?


I’ve got polish translation for Spark but without polish charset/signs ex. ćśńół etc.

Can anyone help me how to change and properly encode polish signs to have it in application (Spark)

thx (33457 Bytes)

You need Unicode-encoded (\udddd notation) characters.

Use a normal editor. Translate the text. After then you can use native2ascii. Native2Ascii is a java tool (JAVA_HOME/bin/native2ascii) that converts native-encoded characters to one with Unicode-encoded characters like (\udddd) !

Use a Java Properties File Editor.

I really don’t know how to use it…

Can You discribe step-by-step how to do it?


As cstux said, you should use C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_14\bin\native2ascii.exe tool to convert your language file to unicode. Personally i use NetBeans to compile Spark and it is converting language files to unicode automatically.