How to get All MUC Rooms/Conferece By User

Hello Folks,

I want to know how can I do this. I have a client and i want to list all MUC rooms where the user is logged in and has a role.

How can i do this ?

Somebody can help me?


Oi Heleno,

A client may send an IQ disco#items request to another client to figure out the rooms where the user has joined. Check out example 14 in XEP-0045: Multi-User Chat.


– Gato

I’m going to study the XEP, but I belive that this query return all Rooms. So I will query the rooms and remove the roms where the user don’t can log in.

Oi Heleno,

That query will return the list of rooms where the user is currently in. Note that that query is sent to the client and the client is the one that needs to respond it.


– Gato

Ok … Ok … I didn’t make a good ask. I’m improving/developing a client, and I want that client answer to OpenFire what rooms the user CAN log in, to list in client only the room that the user can log in, not all server rooms. Excuse me my awful english.

Another question , Do you know Portuguese (pt_BR) ?

Thanks …

Oi Heleno,

Vose pode falar em Portugeis. I’m from Argentina so Spanish is my native language but I can fairly read Portuguese and somehow speak and write it.

The server does not ask the client for the list of rooms the client can join. The user may try to use disco#items to discover the list of rooms where he can join. Though I guess that list of not 100% accurate.


– Gato

Gato, your Portugues is so awful like my english, but I can understand it. :D. I’m from Brazil.

About the topic, I tried the Exemple 3 and it returns all rooms of conference service. So I will try send a presence packet to each room and remove all that I can’t login.

What do you think about it ?