How to implement file transfer?

I want to implement file transfer feature in my application.i read the document on XEP-0234 protocol but i don’t get any idea.

I am using,

  • Openfire 3.6.4 Server
  • Strophe js for Client Side…

Is there any other document where i can get the refereces?


how can i implement file transfer between two clients?

Please help…


I assume that this is impossible using a JS client.


Thanks LG.

which part are you having issues implementing? The packet explanation from XEP-0234 is pretty straight forward on how the communication needs to happen.

if you read there is a spot where it mentions the type of bytestream it is using to transfer the data: SOCKS5 Bytestreams

if you are asking from a code impl standpoint - that will vary depending on how you have built your clients of course. From the XMPP standpoint it looks like some very generic packets to establish that there will indeed be a file transfer happening and then you handle the transfer using a bytestream between the two clients.

The linked article above covers this in much more detail. cheers

Thanks Mike.

Sorry for late reply.

My requirement is simple as following,

if user1 wants to transfer file to user2 so user1 select a file sent it to user2 then user2 accept this file and save it.

i have used,

  • Openfire 3.6.4
  • Strophe js for client side implementation
    if you have any example or source code please send it to me then i can get some idea from it.

if you do not have any source code or example so where from i can start as per my requirement?




You get answers to this question?

Now I also face the same problem please help me transfer files across users

i have used,

  • Openfire 3.9.3
  • convers js for client side implementation
  • node-xmpp
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