How to import spark 2.6.3 source on eclipse

Dear friends

I want to develop my company branded spark desktop project.

So i am wondering how shoul i import my downloaded trunk source in eclipce.

I tried to create new project and import from source from my trunk but not work.

Or should i install another libraries for develop spark??

Could you give me clear step by step guide for first time developing setup.

installation libraries

import source


after that prepare installation using ant /i used installer.izpack but when i use .advinst and .izpack.exe i can’t setup/

what advanced installer version need for me?

about branding for my company i found very clear some post. branding is no problem.

i want to develop source code this is my problem.

and what eclipse version should is use. what jdk should i install?

please help to me.

There are two guides how to set this up in s - I hope these help.

Thank you very much )