HTTP Binding doesn't start


After an installation of OpenFire on my own computer (Mac) for developement, I would like to install it on a virtual server “in production” (Linux CentOS). I have no problem on my Mac for using Openfire + Punjab + StropheJS and my work (full Javascript) works well.

I installed Java JDK 1.6, Python, Punjab and OpenFire on the virtual machine.

The OpenFire server starts fine and I can access to : http://my_ip:9090 and log in without any problem.

But I have a problem with the HTTP Binding : its enabled in the server parameters (server > server parameters > HTTP Binding), and the port 7070 is chosen.

The error.log is empty.

When I go on http://my_ip:7070, I have this message :

Error 404 - Not Found.

No context on this server matched or handled this request.

Contexts known to this server are:

  • /http-bind —> ContextHandler@7ae6d@7ae6d/http-bind,null
  • / —> ContextHandler@1f93ace@1f93ace/,null
  • /http-bind —> ContextHandler@e29f36@e29f36/http-bind,null
  • / —> ContextHandler@f04dae@f04dae/,null
  • /http-bind —> ContextHandler@1d85e85@1d85e85/http-bind,null
  • / —> ContextHandler@34a1c8@34a1c8/,null

A restart of OpenFire does not change anything…

Does anyone have an idea ? Thank you for your answers.

The problem was that I choosed Openfire with the RPM installer.

I worked with the “simple” .tar.gz extracted version.

Seems that there is a bug here…