

I have an external component, is it possible to make this component be available for disc#info query?

In other words, if client do discovery to the server, the server will return the external component as one of the disc#item



Hey Peter,

Just make sure that you component can answer a disco#info request and the server will list it in the disco#items list. When an component registers with Openfire it will receive an IQ disco#info request. The server will wait for the answer. If nothing was received or an error was received then nothing will happen. However, if the component replies with a valid disco#info then it will be added to the list of disco#items of the server.


– Gato


It is not the case. My external component did send back the result of disc#info.

But it is not included in the disc#items result.

However, if i do disc#info from psi and specify the address of the external component, i can get the info result from psi.



ok. get it work. it is my fault.