I-ball stops logging

ANy chance someone managed to resolve the stopped logging of i-ball with wildfire 3.1? Or come up with another solution? thank you.

Could someone tell me how to run the table create script? I’'m a total newbie at htis & have no idea how to create the tables.

I had a lot of problems running the scripts that were provided. Our server runs with MS SQL 2000 and I was unable to run those scripts. However, the good news is that after I upgraded the Wildfire server from version 3.0.1 to version 3.1.0 the problems with the chat logs being erased dissapeared. Usually the logs would stop after a few days, so I gave myself at least a week before I posted on here. I’'m not sure if this is a “fix” but it seems to be working for me.

Spoke too soon! The iBall plugin has stopped working. I even waited longer than usual before I posted knowing it would crash. Oh well.

Does any have the updated jar, patches or code to fix this issue with the current I-Ball Chat Auditor? If someone could help me out that would be great. I know that my problem is caused from creating a Conference and Group chat room as explained by mjparme. I’'m not very good at compiling and coding in Java, but any more specifics to help me do this would be great. Thanks!