ICQ Authorization

I have stable problem with gateway plugin -

When user try to add someone ICQ-user to roaster, and send authorisation-request to ICQ, ICQ user don`t receive request.

Openfire version 3.3.0, Gateway plugin version 1.0.1

Anybody can help with it?

I read GATE-212 & GATE-101 but don`t understand - what way to fix it? Only wait for new version?

Message was edited by: nongrate

Message was edited by: nongrate

The way I’'m going at the moment is to add new icq-contacts with another icq-client e.g. go.icq.com.

I’'m taking my jabberclient offline, then log in into this onlineclient and make all changes to the roster. then I logg of and relogin into jabber.

this is the only way which works without problems for me.

BUT: jadestorm already knows (like you see in the gates belonging to this plugin) of this problems and will fix them in the next release(s)