IM game development

I would like to build a 2-player, web browser based game that is played by instant messaging. Server side game logic will need to enforce the game rules and send messages to the players, like a tennis match umpire. Instead of messages simply being bounced instantly between the two players, the game logic will also need to intercept messages, analyse and possibly modify them before passing them on to the other player. Questions:

  1. Would Openfire be a suitable IM server for this application?

  2. If so, how would I go about integrating the server-side game logic with the IM server? Would I need to modify the source code of the server itself?

  3. What programming language could I write the game logic in?

Any help and advice will be gratefully received.

  1. Would Openfire be a suitable IM server for this application?

Probably yes. I don’t know, how other servers work, i.e. how they can be extended, but Openfire is extensible via plugins. You also have to have Java skills.

  1. If so, how would I go about integrating the server-side game logic with the IM server? Would I need to modify the source code of the server itself?

You would need to write a plugin. There you can intercept and modify messages.

Most likely you won’t have to modify the source code.

  1. What programming language could I write the game logic in?

Openfire and plugins are in Java.

For your webbrowser application you would need JavaScript.

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