Import user feature does not work if LDAP Authenticated

I was doing a dry run at importing my user’‘s contact information (roster) from the previous jabberd psql db and was going through the steps of importing an XML file into Wildfire. Wildfire gave statement that as I was using LDAP for my authentication database, I could not use that feature. How do I import user’'s existing roster items from the prior database if I cannot use this tool? Do they have to start fresh with this install?


Message was edited by: jeff_garner

Hi Jeff,

Do they have to start fresh with this install?

Currently, yes, they would. However, if you can wait a day or two I can add this ability the plugin. If you’'re intestested in testing it, let me know.



Thanks, that would a HUGE help, as I fear they are not going to allow me to move this server to production if I can’'t import their contacts to the new server. One question though, I saw a format for the importation, if I have multiple tables in the jabberd2 psql instance, how is that going to move across to Wildfire? is there a how to on the mappings of what is what, and such?


Message was edited by: jeff_garner

Hi Jeff,

There’‘s no specific documentation (that I’'m aware of) on how to migrate from jabberd2 psql to Wildfire. However, the url= documentation[/url] that comes with the plugin details the xml schema that plugin needs the data to be in so that it can be imported, so you should be able to write a script that massages your existing data into something the plugin can use.

Hope that helps,


PS - If you could Private Message me your email address I can send you an updated version of the plugin that works with LDAP.

Thanks, I just PM’'d you.


If anyone else is interested in trying out this change let me know.

